Inductive proximity switches

Magnet sensors

Magnet sensors

Magnetic sensors detect the magnetic field of a magnet attached to the target. Depending on the flux density of the magnet used, comparatively high switching distances can be achieved. They are suitable, for example, for detecting, counting or positioning transport containers, flaps, doors or valve positions.  In addition to the high switching distances, magnetic sensors also ensure an increased switching distance at temperatures and temperature ranges that are too extreme for inductive sensors and also enable objects to be detected through non-magnetic materials such as plastic walls.

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Productseries in productfamily "Magnet sensors"


  • Magnetic switch for continuous use at - 80 °C with up to 20 mm switching distance
  • Materials completely designed for permanent use at - 80 °C
  • Fast response thanks to high switching frequency (300 Hz at - 80 °C)
  • Detection through non-magnetic materials such as plastic walls possible
  • Customized designs and adaptations possible
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