Flow rate sensors

Flow rate sensors for inner pipe diameter > 15 mm

Flow rate sensors for inner pipe diameter > 15 mm

The SNS 552 GAPL is a thermal flow sensor that measures the flow velocity and temperature of water-based media in pipelines. 

temperature of water-based media in pipelines. It calculates the instantaneous flow rate using the parameterizable pipe diameter and shows it in l/min or m³/h on the easy-to-read display. display. For monitoring a flow condition, it has two independent switching outputs or a current output.

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Productseries in productfamily "Flow rate sensors for inner pipe diameter > 15 mm"

SNS 552

  • Flow measurement of waterbased liquids
  • Temperature measurement
  • Pipe diameter adjustable
  • with IO-Link
  • Teach-in functions
  • Manipulation detection
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